Photo by VMCi Club Member Clare Pocock

Photo by VMCi Club Member Martina Lehninger

Photo by VMCi Club Member Greg Margetts

Photo by VMCi Club Member Clare Pocock
The Victorian Mini Club traces its origins back over 50 years, when the original Morris 850 Club was formed by Mini enthusiasts to provide members with information, advice and assistance on matters connected with the Mini and motoring in general. Although the Mini has changed over that time, our purpose has not changed.
We conduct regular social activities, including drives and shows, and participate in other classic car events.
We enable and encourage interest in motorsport and conduct and participate in a number of events as an affiliate of Motorsport Australia, including running rounds of many different Victorian state level championships, and hold our own grass roots events and club championship so that anybody who wants to can get out there and enjoy some Motorsport in safety, in their own cars.
We are participants in the VicRoads Club Permit Scheme, helping reduce the cost of keeping classic Minis (and other cars and motorbikes) on the road and enjoyable.
We warmly welcome new members, visitors, and their families, and would welcome you to join us too.
Monthly General Meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm at:
VMCi Clubrooms
Unit 8, 60 Keilor Park Drive
East Keilor VIC 3033
(enter off Commercial Place)
All members and visitors welcome. Refreshments are generally available.