Becoming a Motorsport Official is a great way to get involved in motorsport for little to no cost at all. It will get you a great view and an understanding of what’s going on that watching on TV or as a spectator in the stands just doesn’t get.
The Victorian Mini Club runs many events where you can participate as an official, even if you’ve never done it before.
From working trackside as a flag marshal or in vehicle recovery at places like Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit at state level racing, to being a timer or lane marshal at a Motorkhana or Khanacross – or even as a marshal at a car show or display - the VMCi can help you get involved.
If you’re interested to give it a go, just yell out to any Committee member, or email officials@mini.org.au
Getting involved as a Motorsport official is easy! Officials are required for all VMCi run events - and the best part is that becoming a Motorsport official is 100% free!!
You'll start off as a Trainee Official, where you will be teamed with an experienced official, and work under their supervision - don’t worry, you won’t be expected to know anything beforehand!
The process to be signed off from Trainee to General Official is also very easy, and we can help you with that too. Same goes with advancing from General Official through the ranks to every other aspect of motorsport.
It’s only your enthusiasm that will guide you as to how far your officiating can take you; From starting at our own club motorkhanas, the VMCi has officials who work in Senior roles at the F1 Grand Prix at Albert Park, the V8 Supercars, and everything in-between. We’ve even had members go overseas to help train international officials.

For more information about applying to become a licensed official, we recommend visiting the Motorsport Australia website here.
For information about events that need officials, keep an eye on MiniMag, or visit the club calendar, and contact the organiser for any VMCi run event to see how you can lend a hand.